On 14 October 2011 the National Development Planning Agency of Indonesia (BAPPENAS) through its Directorate for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Mining issued a programme for ‘proposed technical assistance’ aimed at establishing a National Geothermal Capacity Building Programme (NGCBP). The Geothermal Capacity Building Programme – Indonesia-Netherlands (GEOCAP) is a bi-lateral initiative between entities from Indonesia and the Netherlands, that is seen as a contribution to the NGCBP.
This Public-Private-Partnership utilizes the capabilities of Universities, research institutions, and Industry Partners to reach the common goal of supporting the Government of Indonesia in their quest to increase the utilization of its geothermal energy resources.
Geothermal Research Centre (GRC) UGM has an important role and obligation to assist geothermal development in Indonesia. GRC UGM collaborate with other entities under GEOCAP to conduct geothermal research and knowledge dissemination to increase human resource capacity in geothermal.